Gathering 2021

240 redheads and a singly non-redhead in the middle. Why did this single non-redhead receive such an honour? Because he did something very brave: a few days ago he married a redhead, who is standing next him. And he took her to the Redhead Days gathering for the honeymoon. For such bravery he received a well-deserved applause of the fellow redheads.

Photos 2021

Visit the Google Photos album Redhead Days 2021 to see how much fun we had!

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At Sunday, the weather was mèèh, but the spirit was high. Some started with a redhead breakfast prepared by Lindy and Mieke as depicted left. Again, many activities, and many one-day visitors.



Yes! Sold out party, dancing, model drawing, poetry, photography, and meeting many many redheads at the Speedmeets by Etienne. This day was a true feast.


Friday: first day of the Gathering

Impressive: visitors from all over the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, UK, France, Denmark, Hungary, Spain, Italy and US made often complex journeys to be with us. One big family. Hope to see you too.

Program booklet 2021

Yes, the program booklet is available for download (pdf). Enjoy!


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