Created by accident
Bart Rouwenhorst, the current festival director, is a Sunday painter. In 2005, he prepared an exhibition in Asten and was looking for 15 red-haired models. With help of an advertisement in the Brabants Dagblad, he didn't get 15 registrations from models, but 150!
Because Bart has trouble saying no, he offered all models to come together in Asten and take a group photo. The meeting was remarkable: redheads from Groningen (in the north of the Netherlands) met redheads from Limburg (in the south of the Netherlands) and it felt like a huge family gathering.
The national press (Hart van Nederland) was also present. Afterwards, many redheads asked Bart to organize a second meeting.
Bart was living in Breda at the time, and in collaboration with friends, neighbours, family, and enthusiastic café managers, he planned the second festival. That was attended by 500 redheads. In the years that followed, the festival grew bigger and bigger, even garnering an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records with 1,672 redheads in one photo.

In 2019 the festival moved to Tilburg, a city where there is a lot of innovation, where the festival hopes to grow even bigger.

Groupphotos from previous editions in Breda.
2018 - PURPLE
2017 - GREEN
2016 - RED
2015 - BLUE
2014 - PURPLE
2013 - BLUE
2012 - GREEN
2011 - WHITE
2010 - WHITE
2009 - WHITE
2008 - BLACK
2007 - WHITE

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