Tandem Tours
Saturday 12pm, 2pm, 4pm & Sunday 12pm, 3pm
Want to discover Tilburg in an unusual way? You can do that during the tandem bike ride on Saturday and Sunday during the Redhead days. Together with a group and guide on the road past murals, Piushaven and other monuments around Tilburg center.
The trip will take about 1-1.5 hours and is about 14 km. Highly recommended and easy to meet new people during this activity for young and old!
Costs: € 10,- Tickets via the webshop or at the infostand
Balfolk dancing
Saturday 3pm & Sunday 12pm
Let's do a Meet cute ;) during the balfolk dance workshop.
Berit van der Jagt and Jan Knol have both been dancing Balfolk for about a decade and they love to share their passion during the Redhead days! At this workshops you will learn European folk dances from France all the way up to the Czech Republic. Balfolk is not difficult and no dance experience is required. It's all about connecting and having fun on the dance floor! Just try and see!
Stiletto Race
Saturday from 12pm-5pm
Join the fierce competition between men and women for the title King & Queen stiletto! This fabulous activity is organized by our razor-sharp referee Crystal Queer, the Lady in red.
There are some Stilettos available but you can also bring your own or donate your own for a better chance to win!
Musical Chairs (on cushions)
Sunday 11am & 1pm
Who will take up the challenge and participate in the big chairs/cushion dance? For all ages! Those who last the longest will receive eternal fame and a medal!
All this under the guidance of our own Crystal Queer!
Fusion movement
Saturday 12pm & Sunday 12pm
MOVE YOUR BODY AND ENERGY: Pilates - Kung Fu - Tai Chi
Marton Felszeghy: Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Pilates teacher, naturopath, "Tui Na" Chinese masseur, originally from Hungary, based in Berlin. Passionate about the comprehensive health promotion and self-development methods based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Salsa dancing
Saturday 1pm & Sunday 4pm
Join Niels, our honorable Cuban salsa teacher, who will give Cuban salse workshops during the Redhead Days. Niels has a dance career spanning 14 years, and for the past 6 years he has been teaching under the name Jengibre Salsa (Ginger Salsa).
For this special occasion in Tilburg Niels will be assisted by his excellent red-haired student, Marloes. I'm really looking forward to meeting you at the Redhead Days! Until then!
Bouncy Castle & Kids Area
Saturday & Sunday
Jump around in the Kids Area! Lots of (creative) activities for children in the kids area, there will be a bouncy castle, face painting and fun crafts.
REDdy to…
party - mingle - smile - learn & create - eat - move
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